'Hark, now hear the sailors cry. Smell the sea and feel the sky.'
'Let your soul and spirit fly, into the mystic'
Lyrics from this great song that in my opinion captures the feeling of doing a downwind!
To try and explain the feeling of experiencing a downwind is really difficult but hopefully the following helps.
A downwind is truly the sweet spot of watersports fun. Riding the Wave is where you have matched your chosen craft exactly to the speed and
direction of the wave and you and the wave have become one. Unfortunately this 'run' won’t last forever and as the saying goes 'all good things must
come to an end'. At a certain point the wave is fading and it is critical that you use the speed and momentum it has provided you to get to your next wave. At this
point you ditch the wave and use it to slingshot you over to the next best wave that you see in front of you (remember, sweet as it may be, your bond with each
wave is just a short fling, at the end of the day your are an opportunist always looking for the next best thing :-).
Below is a podcast called
Paddler's Pod and when asking Dean Garner a famous surfski paddler
(some say the best surfski downind paddler of all time),
What is the secret of downwind paddling? His response is '
firstly, you've got to enjoy it'
which I read as having fun, I can't agree with you more more Dean! In this interview he then goes on to share more about downwinds, feel free to listen - it starts from 39 min 18 sec
If you haven’t experienced 'downwinding' I strongly recommend putting it on your list of priorities!
helps watersport lovers to discover new downwind locations and is founded by Louis a passionate downwind surfski paddler, his dream is that this becomes the 'AirBnB of Downwinds'!😄. Louis has had a dream for more than 10 years of sharing downwind locations with fellow
watersport enthusiasts and is very excited to launch this new platform to be used and shared with fellow downwinders all over the world. Louis hopes that this platform
will not only be used by Surfski, Outrigger canoe, Stand Up Paddler, Kite surfer, SUP Foil and Wing Foiling watersport lovers but also attract those folk out there
wanting to experience a unique and amazing way of experiencing a downwind while having a huge amount of fun!
If while using the platform you think of something that may make the experience of
sharing even better please feel free to either:
- reach out to me at
- vote below for one of the features already mentioned
- suggest an idea you would like to see!
Enjoy the platform and hopefully I see you on the water having some downwind fun!
Stay safe, and keep downwinding!